Tabula lists article 9 Paris-aligned ultrashort bond ETF on Borsa Italiana.

27 March 2024

Tabula listed the Tabula EUR Ultrashort IG Bond Paris-Aligned Climate UCITS ETF (TUCP IM) on Borsa Italiana.


TUCP meets the criteria of an EU SFDR Article 9 fund, and provides significantly lower portfolio GHG emissions and an enhanced ESG profile when compared to existing ultrashort solutions.

The investment strategy for the ETF is designed to limit global warming to 1.5°C in accordance with the Paris Agreement, while integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the security selection process.

Key features 
• 50% initial reduction in GHG emissions vs the broad benchmark and a 7% year-on-year annual reduction
• ESG screening: norms-based (e.g. UNGC), controversies and certain business
activities (alcohol, adult entertainment, gambling, controversial weapons,
civilian firearms, nuclear power, GMO, nuclear weapons, cannabis)
• Liquidity and holdings constraints applied to improve liquidity profile while
maintaining similar characteristics to the broad underlying benchmark

The strategy aims to deliver key metrics similar to the broad EUR ultrashort IG bond index it is based on. The ETF index has a current 12-month gross yield of 4.2% with duration of 0.4 years, an average daily volatility of less than 1bp and average credit rating of A.

SFDR Article 9 exposures across the fixed income spectrum

“Tackling climate change is the defining issue of our age, and a major risk to all investment portfolios,” says Italian Country Head Franco Mancini. “Our EUR Ultrashort Bond ETF listing on Borsa Italiana shows our commitment in bringing Italian investors cutting edge ESG fixed income exposures. TUCP is the only Paris-aligned ultrashort product and joins our existing stable of euro investment grade, global fallen angels and euro high yield Paris-aligned funds.”

The Tabula EUR Ultrashort IG Bond Paris-Aligned Climate UCITS ETF has EUR20 million in assets. The ETF has an ongoing charge figure of 0.15%.

About the ETF

Tabula EUR Ultrashort IG Bond Paris-Aligned Climate UCITS ETF
Base Currency EUR
Trading Currency EUR
Exchange/Ticker Borsa Italiana   TUCP IM

Xetra                TUCP GY

TER 0.15%
Index Solactive ISS Paris Aligned Select 0-1 Year Euro Corporate IG Index
Index Ticker SOLES01P Index