Tabula EUR Ultrashort IG Bond Paris-aligned Climate UCITS ETF (EUR) - GBP-Hedged Acc.

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Benchmark ticker:
SOLES01P Index

Data: Net Asset Value (NAV) and Assets under Management (AuM) as of 2024-07-01

Capital is at risk. The value of your investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you invested. Investors should read the Key risks section of this page, Key Investor Information Document and Prospectus prior to investing.

Nachhaltigkeit im Überblick

Dieser Fonds zielt darauf ab, die Kohlenstoffemissionen bei der Allokation von Euro-Investment-Grade-Anleihen im Einklang mit dem Pariser Abkommen zu reduzieren. Er erreicht dies, indem er, soweit möglich und praktikabel, den Solactive ISS Paris Aligned Select Euro Corporate Bond Index nachbildet, eine am Pariser Abkommen orientierte EU-Benchmark (PAB).

Wichtige Nachhaltigkeitskennzahlen

SFDR classification
Artikel 9 (Dunkelgrün)
Umstrittene Waffen
Umwelt (erhebliche negative Auswirkungen)
Fossile Brennstoffe (Umsatzschwellen-Methode)
Unterhaltung für Erwachsene
Cannabis (Freizeitkonsum)
Konventionelle Waffen
Civilian firearms
Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen
ESG data providers


Source: MSCI

Climate metrics

Weighted average GHG emissionsGHG emissions reduction vs parent indexYoY GHG emissions reduction
Share class26.9 M T CO2e53.6%-
Index27.5 M T CO2e52.6%7.7%
Parent index57.9 M T CO2e--

Data: Solactive/ISS ESG, 30 April 2023. GHG emissions represent gross scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions. Parent index is the Solactive EUR IG Corporate Index. YoY reduction is as of the most recent semi-annual reduction in January and July. 12-months GHG emission reduction vs parent represents the projected annual cumulative difference in GHG emissions generated by the fund since inception and the equivalent AuM being invested in the parent index, calculated monthly using month-end AuM. YoY emissions reduction is currently not available due to the progressive inclusion of scope 3 emissions.

Data as of: 30/06/2023

Additional Information

For information on the wider Tabula group and Tabula ICAV (including our Sustainable Investment Policy and statement on Principal Adverse Impacts), please visit our firm sustainability page.


No capital protection: No capital protection: The value of your investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you invested

Liquidity risk: Lower liquidity means there are insufficient buyers or sellers to allow the Sub-Fund to sell or buy investments readily. Neither the Index provider nor the issuer make any representation or forecast on liquidity

Counterparty risk: The Sub-Fund may incur losses if any institution providing services such as safekeeping of assets or acting as a derivatives counterparty becomes insolvent.

ESG screening: The environmental, social and governance screening criteria are embedded with the index selection process, which seeks to exclude bonds issued by companies involved in certain activities. The investment manager is not Responsible for monitoring the screening process or confirming that all bonds which pass the screening process are issued by companies with adequate environmental, social or governance standards

Credit Risk: The issuer of a financial asset held within the Fund may not pay income or repay capital to the Sub-Fund when due

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