Tabula Haitong Asia ex-Japan High Yield Corp USD Bond ESG UCITS ETF (USD) Acc.

Ongoing charges:
Benchmark ticker:

Data: Net Asset Value (NAV) and Assets under Management (AuM) as of 2024-06-28

Capital is at risk. The value of your investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you invested. Investors should read the Key risks section of this page, Key Investor Information Document and Prospectus prior to investing.

ESG exposure to liquid Asia ex Japan High Yield corporate bonds

The Tabula Haitong Asia ex-Japan High Yield Corp USD Bond ESG UCITS ETF (the Fund) aims to track the iBoxx MSCI ESG USD Asia ex-Japan High Yield Capped Index (IBXXUXJT Index), less fees and expenses.

About the index

The Index provides exposure to USD-denominated Asia ex-Japan High Yield corporate bonds that meet the requirements for an Article 8 EU SFDR benchmark. The Index applies ESG filters to Asia ex-Japan High Yield corporate bonds with remaining time to maturity of at least 1 year and an issuer notional of at least US$400m. The Index uses data provided by MSCI ESG Research to exclude issuers in violation of social norms (including the UN Global Compact), involved with controversial weapons or tobacco, causing significant environmental harm or with revenues from oil, gas, coal and energy-intensive electricity above certain thresholds. In addition, an ESG tilt and momentum factor is applied. The Index has a 3% issuer cap and 50% sector cap, where excess weights are redistributed proportionately to the remaining bonds. Sector exposures are managed within 5% of the parent index.

Investment process

The ETF invests in a portfolio of corporate bonds that reflects the composition of the index as far as practicable, less fees and expenses.

Registered countries

The fund is currently registered for sale in Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Fund information
Issuer: Tabula ICAV
Investment manager:Haitong International Asset Management (HK) Limited
Management company:Waystone Management Company (IE) Limited
Administration:HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) DAC
Custody:HSBC Continental Europe, Dublin Branch
Fund inception:02 September 2021
Share class inception: 02 September 2021
Ongoing charges:0.60%
Income treatment: Accumulating
Domicile: Ireland
Base currency: USD
Share class currency: USD
Primary listing:London Stock Exchange
Listing Currency:USD
Primary ticker:TAHY
UK distributor/reporting status:Yes
ISA & SIPP eligible:Yes
Index information
Index name:iBoxx MSCI ESG USD Asia ex-Japan High Yield Capped Index
Index provider:IHS Markit
Bloomberg index ticker:IBXXUXJT Index
Regional focus:Asia
Listing information
Exchange:London Stock ExchangeBX Swiss
Trading hours:0800 to 1630 GMT 0900 to 1730 CET
Trading currency:USDUSD
Exchange ticker:TAHYTAHY
Bloomberg ticker:TAHY LNTAHY SW

Key risks

No capital protection: The value of your investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you invested.

Liquidity risk : Lower liquidity means there are insufficient buyers or sellers to allow the Sub-Fund to sell or buy investments readily. Neither the Index provider nor the issuer make any representation or forecast on liquidity.

Counterparty risk: The Sub-Fund may incur losses if any institution providing services such as safekeeping of assets or acting as a derivatives counterparty becomes insolvent.

Leverage: The Sub-Fund may use leverage, so losses may be magnified.

ESG screening: The environmental, social and governance screening criteria are embedded with the index selection process, which seeks to exclude bonds issued by companies involved in certain activities. The investment manager is not responsible for monitoring the screening process or confirming that all bonds which pass the screening process are issued by companies with adequate environmental, social or governance standards.

Credit risk: The issuer of a financial asset held within the Fund may not pay income or repay capital to the Sub-Fund when due.

High yield securities risk: The prices of high yield bonds are likely to be more sensitive to adverse economic changes or individual issuer developments than higher rated securities possibly leading to high yield issuers not being able to service their principal and interest payment obligations. The secondary market for securities that are high yield may be less liquid than the markets for higher quality securities.

Emerging markets risk: Issuers from emerging markets are generally more sensitive to economic and political conditions than developed markets. Other factors include a greater 'Liquidity Risk', restrictions on investment or transfer of assets, failed/delayed delivery of securities or payments to the Fund and sustainability-related risks.

Contact us for further information about Tabula ETFs.

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